The Emperor Wears No Clothes

Jack Herer wanted this information to be available to everyone so he published the text of his book on the internet ... 

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Chapter 1 «Overview of the History of Cannabis Hemp

The facts cited herein are generally verifiable in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, which was printed primarily on paper produced with cannabis hemp for over 150 years. However, any encyclopedia (no matter how old) or good dictionary will do for general verification purposes.

Chapter 2 «A Brief Summary of the Uses of Hemp

If all fossil fuels and their derivatives, as well as trees for paper and construction were banned in order to save the planet, reverse the Greenhouse Effect and stop deforestation, then there is only one known annually renewable natural resource that is capable of providing the overall majority of the world’s paper and textiles; meeting all of the world’s transportation, industrial and home energy needs; simultaneously reducing pollution, rebuilding the soil, and cleaning the atmosphere all at the same time. That substance is the same one that did it all before, Cannabis Hemp …  Marijuana!

Chapter 3 «February 1938 – Popular Mechanics Magazine


Modern technology was about to be applied to hemp production, making it the number-one agricultural resource in America. Two of the most respected and influential journals in the nation, Popular Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, forecast a bright future for American hemp. Thousands of new products creating millions of new jobs would herald the end of the Great Depression. Instead hemp was persecuted, outlawed and forgotten at the bidding of W. R. Hearst, who branded hemp the “Mexican killer weed, marihuana.”

Chapter 4 «The Last Days of LEGAL Cannabis

By 1916, USDA Bulletin 404 predicted that a decorticating and harvesting machine would be developed, and hemp would again be America’s largest agricultural industry. In 1938, magazines such as Popular Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering introduced a new generation of investors to fully operational hemp decorticating devices; bringing us to this next bit of history. Because of this machine, both indicated that hemp would soon be America’s number-one crop!

Chapter 5 «Marijuana Prohibition Anslinger got his marijuana law …

“Should we believe self-serving, ever-growing drug enforcement/drug treatment bureaucrats, whose pay and advancement depends on finding more and more people to arrest and ‘treat’? More Americans die in just one day in prisons, penitentiaries, jails and stockades than have ever died from marijuana throughout history. Who are they protecting? From what?” - Fred Oerther, MD, Portland, Oregon

Chapter 6 «The Body of Medical Literature on Cannabis Medicine

Our authority here is the ‘Body of Literature,’ starting with ancient materia medicae: Chinese and Hindu pharmacopoeia and Near Eastern cuneiform tablets, and continuing all the way into this century, including the 1966-76 US renaissance of cannabis studies - some 10,000 separate studies on medicines and effects from the hemp plant.

Chapter 7 «Therapeutic Use of Cannabis

There are more than 60 therapeutic compounds in cannabis that are healing agents in medical and herbal treatments. The primary one is THC, and the effectiveness of therapy is directly proportionate to the herb’s potency or concentration of THC. Recent DEA reports of increasingly potent marijuana therefore represent a major medical advance; but, incredibly, the government uses these very numbers to solicit bigger budgets and harsher penalties.

Chapter 8 «Cannabis Hempseed as a Basic World Food

In 1937, Ralph Loziers, general counsel of the National Institute of Oilseed Products, told the Congressional committee studying marijuana prohibition that “hempseed … is used in all the Oriental nations and also in a part of Russia as food. It is grown in their fields and used as oatmeal. Millions of people every day are using hempseed in the Orient as food. They have been doing this for many generations, especially in periods of famine.”

Chapter 9 «ECONOMICS: Energy, Environment and Commerce 

We predict that the net effect of ending American hemp prohibition will be to generate “ripple effect” economics - a revitalised American agriculture producing hemp as the raw material for a multitude of industries creating millions of good jobs for skilled and and semi-skilled professional workers throughout America. The resulting wealth will remain in local communities and with farmers, smaller businesses and entrepreneurs like you!

Chapter 10 «Myth, Magic & Medicine 

Cannabis hemp is part of our global heritage and was the backbone of our most stable and longest surviving cultures. Recent psycho-pharmacological studies have discovered that THC has its own unique receptor sites in the brain, indicating man and marijuana have a pre-cultural relationship - indeed, human culture could very well prove to be the blossom of our symbiosis with cannabis. 

Chapter 11 «The (HEMP) War of 1812

United States v Great Britain
Napoleon Invades Russia …
This is a piece of history that you may have been a bit hazy on when you were taught about it in school. You might well have asked,” What the heck were they fighting about, anyway?”

Chapter 12 «Cannabis Drug Use in 19th Century America

Although by 1839, cannabis hemp products for fibre, paper, nautical use, lamp oil, food, etc., were possibly the largest agricultural and industrial businesses in America and, of course, throughout the world, the hundreds of medical uses of cannabis (known for thousands of years in the Orient and Middle East) were still almost entirely unknown in much of Western Europe and America because of the earlier Medieval Catholic Church’s suppression.
Chapter 13 «PREJUDICE:  Marijuana and the Jim Crow Laws
Since the abolition of slavery, racism and bigotry have generally had to manifest themselves in less blatant forms in America. The cannabis prohibition laws illustrate again this institutional intolerance of racial minorities and show how prejudice is concealed behind rhetoric and laws which seem to have an entirely different purpose.
Chapter 14 «More than Seventy Years of Suppression & Repression 
1937:  Hemp banned. Only an estimated 60,000 Americans smoke “marijuana,” but thanks to Hearst and Anslinger’s disinformation campaign, virtually everyone in the country has heard of it. 
1945:  Newsweek reports that over 100,000 people now smoke marijuana.

Chapter 15 «The Official Story - Debunking “Gutter Science”

... DEA Administrative Law Judge Francis L. Young formally urged the DEA to allow doctors to prescribe marijuana. In a September 1988 judgment, he ruled: “The evidence in this record clearly shows that marijuana has been accepted as capable of relieving the distress of great numbers of very ill people, and doing so with safety under medical supervision ... It would be unreasonable, arbitrary and capricious for the DEA to continue to stand between those sufferers and the benefits of this substance in light of the evidence in this record. In strict medical terms, marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man.”

Chapter 16 «The Emperor’s New Clothes

Alternatives to Prohibition
In conclusion, we see that the government’s case against marijuana is woven of transparent lies. In this chapter, we bring to light some research that the government does not like people to know about. Then we talk about some realistic alternatives.

My fervent hope is that we are merely seeing the darkness before the inevitable dawn.

Jack Herer, 

Northern California, July 2007

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